Growing-Up For Goths

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on November 12, 2013 by Adore

Growing-Up For Goths

A pretty strong statement against the Gothic lifestyle being strictly a phase or a passing fancy.

A Peek Into Dollhaus

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on September 1, 2013 by Adore


I have done a small article on home decor & DIY, and in that moment I was living in this apartment. This is over a year ago, so the pictures look absolutely nothing like my current living space. But I thought, why not share?



Current Life Stuffs

Posted in Uncategorized on August 26, 2013 by Adore


I have a lot on my mind lately, mostly not this blog. I don’t have to tell you that, though. You probably could tell by my long absence.

I’m a hairstylist by profession, hence my extensive knowledge of skincare. If I would actually crack down and do some hair advice articles like I keep planning, you would know that one already. My life has been mostly based on work. Managing a salon, managing my own personal business as a stylist, and just the pure joyous act of doing hair has been enough to distract me for years.

So, Career & sweetheart in my life, I have very little time to blog.  I don’t have any intention on giving too many personal details about either of those two topics.


I take my personal life really seriously these days.  But blogging is a whole other can of worms, to be real. I can reveal what I want but these days it is less than it used to be.

I went out on a limb after a rather sunny vacation and bought foundation to match my new “alive look” complexion. I know what you are thinking, “Well that is shocking news!”. I swear I have a point here…

I went into Sephora and checked out their fancy new foundation matching machine, which awkwardly scans your face to match you with the perfect foundation. I highly recommend trying this out if you have any issues finding your particular shade. With the lightest skin tones especially, a foundation that is too pink or too orange really stands out in a strange mask-like way and avoiding it is a wicked pain in the ass.

Since I had that adventurous notion of letting myself forgo the SPF for one vacation and allow my skin to actually darken, this is not an issue for me currently. Yes, I actually got a tan and somehow I am the only person really shocked by it. Everyone else treats it like it is normal behavior but I’m still amused at myself for doing it… prettymuch any time I look in the mirror. So instead of just making a beeline for the palest of foundations to find a color to suit my cool complexion I actually had to get matched for something actually closer to a “normal” skin tone.

That is actually the most vapid event I could probably recite about my current life, actually.

Everything else has been full of strange and emotionally loaded obstacles. I’ve been watching astrological blogs like Mystic Medusa rather closely because I feel like the last bumps in my Saturn Return are the hardest bumps for me yet. But what else is a Saturn Return but to be continually escalating in challenges.

Nothing really stimulates a person’s need to be spiritually in tune like a rocky path. I’ve been reading a really amazing book by Christopher Penczak.

Some authors for me, make paganism seem closer to a silly hobby than an actual religion with it’s own moral code. I feel like the real spirituality of it gets sucked out somehow, and it is hard to take it as seriously as I feel like it is. I feel like I’ve achieved a lot of spiritual growth and personal insight with everything that I have studied, and that I’m a better person for it. Which honestly what can you really say is having any sort of beliefs for?


My high opinion of myself is not something I apologize for.

That is another thing about all this spiritual/self evolving. I’m fearlessly claiming myself in a sense that I’m taking full responsibility for my feelings on all things, including feelings about myself. I think it is fantastic. Less ego & more real confidence, growing into the person that I am because I am recognizing that She is who I always wanted to be- including being someone who really appreciates themselves.

So even if I don’t have a hoard of blog followers, I feel pretty good anyway. My life is pretty friggin awesome.

I want some suggestions for Tutorials/Advice/DIY topics to write about. Leave me comments because I like them, and also because you can give me ideas. Right?

Current ideas are: Haircolor at home, hair care for wildly colored hair, and… that is it. I think.

That is all for now, darklings!

Black lipstick kisses,


August Haunts

Posted in Uncategorized on August 24, 2013 by Adore


This is what I have been doing with my time lately.
Keeping track of projects and ideas is always something I am interested in. Putting whole pages together of a pretty concept is absolutely addictive.

Is this not the creepiest statue you have ever seen? I am utterly flabbergasted that this exists. I want to see it with my own eyeballs, now.

I just rediscovered the Dark Angel’s clothing. I forgot this existed, but I remember wanting some of the things off of their online store like, ten years ago.


That is all I really have for now, darklings. Perhaps I will update on life stuff at some point, just because I am not really doing the DIY/Tuturial sort of posts lately.

Post Script/Edit:

I learned so many things, browsing the internet today! Like Abecedarian means arranged in alphabetically, or rudimentary. Your welcome.


THIS is the coolest gradient nail art tutorial. I am not huge on nail art myself, because I feel like busy nails can distract from my over-all appearance when I am at work. However, the gradient thing does seem really awesome, so I might give it a try.

A haunting but hopeful piece about nightmares.

I’ve been poking around on The and happily clicking away because I rarely find a goth blog that I like.

I also REALLY like
Maybe I will even do 10 Non-Goth Facts about Me as well.

I also just remembered Fairy Goth Mother exists. Hooray! Shopping! I used to daydream-shop a lot way back in the day in the gothic clothing category, and slowly a lot of these things are coming back to me that I had forgotten.

skirtThe skirt I want is only like 100$, Ouch.



Posted in Uncategorized on July 23, 2013 by Adore

Of course it has been a long absence from me yet again. Some projects tend to be shuffled to the back of the pile when life gets to be a little bit chaotic, even when writing has always been a sort of therapeutic tool for me.

My previously aforesaid accomplice in this blog is no longer affiliated with Cemetery Trash or related due to… let us say, creative differences.

I’ve moved three times since my last post. I’ve also gone way private and away from the internet’s peering eyes with a lot of my activities, because I have had some difficulties with internet stalking and other hazardous similar situations. Despite keeping mostly my personal details away from this blog, I still had to delete a few pieces here and there, which I think is such a shame because this project is something I really do love.

I am looking for collaborators on this blog. If anyone would like to create content, definitely… shoot up some flares or smoke signals because gods know I don’t check my email accounts. Actually, a comment would be reasonable means of communication.


I will leave you now with several quietly creepy black and white videos from AFI. Your welcome.






PS, sometimes youtube comments are interesting. Like, who just writes two lines of poetry and leaves it on a youtube video?


xo Adore

January Haunts

Posted in Uncategorized on February 4, 2011 by Adore


Alright, darklings! January Haunts is here, and it is… FASHIONABLY LATE.

Wondermark #536 In Which Pipes Continue to Leak is hilarious. Actually, Wondermark is almost always hilarious to me, and I basically want to own everything they have in the shop.

Door Sixteen challenges the notion that nobody should ever paint their walls entirely black.

And, then you have black exteriors as well.

Obscure Alternatives makes me happy.

I’m not a rich kid flaunting my wealth or a fashion school graduate posting photos for praise or a self-absorbed 16 year old with h&m sale outfit photos everyday. This blog is all about black drapey shit, uncomfortable shoes, editorial photos and things I could only ever dream of having in my hands. Deal with it.

WithAsianStereotypes is another bloggity blog about drapey black things and uncomfortable shoes. See a pattern evolving here? Pssh. I don’t know what you are talking about.


Sparrow Claw Ritual by BloodMilk on Etsy

Sparrow Claw Ritual by BloodMilk on Etsy

Somebody please buy me everything that BloodMilk has to offer? Please? Thank you.

Clint Catalyst posted about Goth’s Mutant Offspring, WitchHouse.

Grab The Bat to some of these tunes. Here & Here. And let me know how you feel about it.

Last but not least, check out my tumblr. I am loving Tumblr lately, finding lots of inspiration & reposting the crap out of it.


Send me your links at!

Black lipstick kisses,



December Haunts

Posted in Uncategorized on December 28, 2010 by Adore

Hello, darklings! This is December Haunts, short and sweet. Enjoy!

Oh tumblr, how I adore thee!

I will be attending DeathGuild on the first Monday of the New Years. Hope to see you there!

One of my New Years resolutions, besides spending oodles of time with my cat, will be to pay off my credit card debts so that I can better afford more beautiful wardrobe pieces from Kambriel.

Here is an article about some human hearts found in jars in a cemetery. Um, spooky?

I said short & sweet, didn’t I?

Until next time.



November Haunts!

Posted in haunts with tags , , , , , , on November 28, 2010 by Adore

Sweet mother of Cthulhu, it is past Thanksgiving and I am just now posting November Haunts! Where does the time go?!

‡ I am already looking forward to December, if only for the Gilman event on the 5th. I am seeeeriously looking forward to seeing Nezzy Idy.

Goth Girl Of The Week is not a new concept, nor is it a new site… But I can’t help but wonder– how does one become selected? Anyway, I am totally diggin in on it and can’t stop clicking through the archives.

FROM THE INSIDE OUT has some serious eye candy to behold.

Enhance your music listening experience through this DIY on LifeHacker. While I can be crafty, there are limits to my DIY abilities… but I still want to try one of these!

‡ I want some of these beautiful pieces of jewelry from Bellalili’s Etsy so bad my insides hurt. Especially Untamed Number Nine. Ugh!

‡ How do you feel about Bioluminescent Couture? No, really, I want to know.

‡ Whether you are a complete hedonist who lets appetite and tastebuds despite any moral leanings determine the next meal (like me, so I offer no judgement) or health fanatical/organic vegan/freegan/selectively restricted in diet you should read this and apply it perhaps to more than the lifestyle choices that make up your diet.

That wraps up Novembers Haunts. Let us cross our fingers and hope Decembers reaches the spooky masses before New Years!

Your favorite procrastinator,



V.O.D. {11.20.10}

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on November 20, 2010 by Adore

OOoOO – Seaww

Also, this comment is amazing:

“This sounds like remote viewing some disembodied art house porn circa late 1986 on 10 bottles Robitussin DM PM while laying in a pile of dead bodies all touching each other sensually. But your dick is so shriveled from drugs the thought of sex never enters your mind except as a sort of meat puppet joke.”

V.O.D. {11.17.10}

Posted in Goth Videos with tags , , , on November 18, 2010 by Adore